Error: "400 Bad Request - VC 'NONE' network "<network_name>" not present in vCenter" when attempting to register a vCenter using the Cloud Director API
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Error: "400 Bad Request - VC 'NONE' network "<network_name>" not present in vCenter" when attempting to register a vCenter using the Cloud Director API


Article ID: 377584


Updated On:


VMware Cloud Director


  • Attempting to register a vCenter with Cloud Director using the Cloud Director API as per the documentation, VMware Cloud Director API - POST-RegisterVimServer.
  • Supplying a portgroup name for the optional vcNoneNetwork in the RegisterVimServerParams during the registration attempt.


VMware Cloud Director 10.6


This issue occurs if the portgroup name for the optional vcNoneNetwork parameter is part of a distributed switch which is located under a folder in vSphere and the distributed switch is not located at the root Datacenter level.


This is a known issue affecting Cloud Director.

To workaround the issue register the vCenter without customising the vcNoneNetwork.

Alternatively if a custom portgroup must be used, provide a portgroup from a distributed switch located at the root Datacenter level and not under a folder in vSphere.