Stretching vSAN Cluster via API fails with error - Current applied vSAN license doesn't support the required cpu count 1
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Stretching vSAN Cluster via API fails with error - Current applied vSAN license doesn't support the required cpu count 1


Article ID: 377567


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VMware SDDC Manager VMware Cloud Foundation 5.x


  • Stretching vSAN Cluster via API fails when using vSAN TiBs License in VCF 5.2
  • Stretching vSAN Cluster via API fails with error
    Current applied vSAN license doesnt support the required cpu count 1
  • Error in /var/log/vmware/vcf/domainmanager/domainmanager.log
    DEBUG [vcf_dm, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, efad] [c.v.e.s.c.c.v.vsphere. VcManagerBase, dm-exec-17]
    ERROR [vcf_dm, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, efad] [c.v.e.s.o.model. error. ErrorFactory, dm-exec-17]
    [REABER] LICENSE_VALIDATION_FAILED_NOT_ENOUGH_CPUS Current applied vSAN license doesnt support the required cpu count {0).
    com. vmware. evo. sddc. orchestrator. exceptions. OrchTaskException: Current applied vSAN license doesnt support the required cpu count {0}.


VMware Cloud Foundation 5.2


VMware Cloud Foundation 5.2 does not support the "License Now" option for vSAN add-on licenses based on capacity per tebibyte (TiB)

With vSphere 8.0 Update 3, you can license your use of vSAN storage based on TiB capacity. When using a per-TiB vSAN license with VMware Cloud Foundation, if you enter the license key using the "License Now" option either during bringup of the management domain, or when deploying or expanding a VI workload domain, the workflow fails.



When Commissioning via the SDDC Manager UI you have the option to License Later. When expanding/stretching clusters License Later option is not available by Default.

Below workaround can be applied to resolve the issue.

  1. Take snapshot of SDDC Manager VM
  2. Login to SDDC Manager UI
  3. Browse to Developer Center > API Explorer > Clusters > GET /v1/clusters > Execute
  4. Gather the "id" of the Cluter to be Stretched
  5. Open a notepad and remove the license key from the json.
  6. Add the following line to the json  - "deployWithoutLicenseKeys": true <---- you may need to add this line outside the host spec information section

    Sample json file
        "clusterExpansionSpec": {
            "hostSpecs": [
                    "id": "<id from Step # 4>",
                    "azName": "<az_name>"
            "deployWithoutLicenseKeys": true
  7. Attempt the validation of the json file
    1. Browse to Developer Center > API Explorer > Clusters > POST /v1/clusters/validation
    2. Provide the json from Step # 6 in "body" section and Exceute
  8. Once Validation has succeeded then proceed with stretching the cluster
    1. Browse to Developer Center > API Explorer > Clusters > PATCH /v1/clusters/{id}
    2. Provide the id gathered from Step # 4 and json from Step # 6 and Execute
  9. Once the cluster is stretched assign the license to the hosts from the vCenter UI. This should also be reflected in SDDC Manager once applied.
  10. Once the deployment is completed please revert the change:
    • Remove the entry from the json file - "deployWithoutLicenseKeys": true

Additional Information

VMware Cloud Foundation 5.2 does not support the "License Now" option for vSAN add-on licenses based on capacity per tebibyte (TiB) - Refer VMware Cloud Foundation 5.2 Release Notes