Completed jobs not visible in UVC Job Runs as soon they finish the execution - criteria [X_O_PURGE_LAN_RET_T] invalid
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Completed jobs not visible in UVC Job Runs as soon they finish the execution - criteria [X_O_PURGE_LAN_RET_T] invalid


Article ID: 377562


Updated On:


CA Automic Dollar Universe


On a node where jobs are running correctly, we can display the history trace and job log while the uproc is in status Running or for example Aborted.

Nevertheless, for all jobs the Complete correctly (status Completed) we are unable to see them in UVC - Job Runs, it's like the executions would be deleted right away upon Job Completition automatically.

When looking into the universe.log we found the smoking gun:

|ERROR|X|IO |pid=p.t| u_check_criteria_value    | criteria [X_O_PURGE_LAN_RET_T] of type [1] and value [0040:00:00] is invalid


Dollar Universe 6.x and 7.x


Issue caused by a human error while manually editing the values.xml (0040 instead of 040) for the variable X_O_PURGE_LAN_RET_T that sets upon Uproc launch when a job needs to be purged from the launcher data file (u_fmsb60.dta)

|ERROR|X|IO |pid=p.t| u_check_criteria_value    | criteria [X_O_PURGE_LAN_RET_T] of type [1] and value [0040:00:00] is invalid

Since the value for the retention of Completed Launches was invalid, the retention criteria was set to a negative value that is considered during job completion so as soon was the Uproc would complete, its launch would be purged and so would the Job log.

We strongly recommend not to use any text editor to modify the configuration of the values.xml, instead please use UVC or the command unisetvar where the accepted format for the variables are checked.


This was solved by setting the variable to the correct value, this can be done via UVC or via unisetvar as displayed below:

unisetvar X_O_PURGE_LAN_RET_T 040:00:00

Aftert that, all new Uproc launches will set their purge date accordingly to 40 days from now.