VMware Cloud Director 10.x
To check which Organization VDC and Provider VDCs are using the storage policy follow the steps below:
sudo -i -u postgres psql vcloud
select name from org_prov_vdc where id in(SELECT vdc_id FROM vdc_logical_resource WHERE lr_type = 'STORAGE_CLASS' AND name = '{storage_policy_name}');
select name from prov_vdc where id in(select prov_vdc_id from org_prov_vdc where id in (
SELECT vdc_id FROM vdc_logical_resource WHERE lr_type = 'STORAGE_CLASS' AND name = '{storage_policy_name}'));
If you need to delete the storage policy form the Organization VDCs please refer to the documentation Delete a Storage Policy from an Organization Virtual Data Center
If you need to delete the storage policy form the Provider VDCs please refer to the documentation Delete a VM Storage Policy from a Provider Virtual Data Center