Error "NO_FEASIBLE_PLACEMENT_SOLUTION" when importing a VM from vCenter
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Error "NO_FEASIBLE_PLACEMENT_SOLUTION" when importing a VM from vCenter


Article ID: 377550


Updated On:


VMware Cloud Director


  • Importing a VM from vCenter to VMware Cloud Director fails with the error below:

    [########-####-####-####-########6948]The operation failed because no suitable resources was found

  • From /opt/vmware/vcloud-director/logs/vcloud-container-debug.log we have entry similar below;

    DATE TIME ERROR opt/vmware/vcloud-director/logs/vcloud-container-debug.log Backend-activity-pool-1934 | ImportVmIntoExistingVAppActivity | [Activity Execution] Uncaught Exception during Activity execution. Recent phase: com.vmware.vcloud.vdc.impl.ImportVmIntoExistingVAppActivity$ImportVmIntoExistingVAppPhase@58eb8d43 - Handle: urn:uuid:########-####-####-####-########5822, Current Phase: ImportVmIntoExistingVAppActivity$ImportVmIntoExistingVAppPhase | requestId=########-####-####-####-########6948,request=POST,requestTime=1725456858806,remoteAddress=##.##.##.##:54321,userAgent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 ...,accept=application/*+json;version 39.0.0-alpha vcd=########-####-####-####-########8963,task=########-####-####-####-########5623 activity=(,urn:uuid:########-####-####-####-########65743) activity=(com.vmware.vcloud.vdc.impl.ImportVmIntoExistingVAppActivity,urn:uuid:########-####-####-####-########5822)
    java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: com.vmware.vcloud.api.presentation.service.InternalServerErrorException: The operation failed because no suitable resource was found. Out of 1 candidate hubs: 
     1 hubs eliminated because: No valid storage containers found for VirtualMachine "########-####-####-####-########3e19". All 34 available storage containers were filtered out as being invalid.  Rejected hubs: resgroup-###
    Storage containers were rejected for the following reasons: 
     33 storage containers rejected because: They do not support the required storage policy: <Policy Name>.  Rejected storage containers: {list of the rejected datastore names}
     1 storage containers rejected because: They are not accessible to any ESXi hosts.  Rejected storage containers: {datastore_name}
     at java.base/java.util.concurrent.Executors$
     at java.base/
     at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
     at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
     at java.base/
    Caused by: com.vmware.vcloud.api.presentation.service.InternalServerErrorException: The operation failed because no suitable resource was found. Out of 1 candidate hubs: 
     1 hubs eliminated because: No valid storage containers found for VirtualMachine "########-####-####-####-########3e19". All 34 available storage containers were filtered out as being invalid.  Rejected hubs: resgroup-###

  • The datastore listed in the logs are correctly tagged with the storge policy tag chosen while importing the VM.

  • The Organization VDC you are trying to import the VM to is not elastic.


VMware Cloud Director 10.5


The Organization VDC you are trying to import the VM to is not elastic. This means the Organization VDC cannot span and use all resource pools associated with its provider VDC and can only use the resources directly assigned to it.
The datastore listed in the error and in the logs, cannot be used since they are outside the Organization VDC that is non elastic and cannot use any other datastore outside the VDC. 


You can review the Organization VDC and the allocation model configuration and enabling elasticity where possible so the  Organization VDC will be able to use all the resources associated with its provider VDC.

For additional information please visit the documentation Create an Organization Virtual Data Center in VMware Cloud Director and Understanding Allocation Models in VMware Cloud Director