False positive 'Compute Manager Minimum Capacity Threshold' Alarm for 'Medium' form-factor NSX-T Managers
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False positive 'Compute Manager Minimum Capacity Threshold' Alarm for 'Medium' form-factor NSX-T Managers


Article ID: 377548


Updated On:


VMware NSX-T Data Center VMware NSX VMware NSX Networking


  • NSX-T Manager version 3.2.x (but < 3.2.3) and the form-factor is Medium (6 vCPU, 24 GB Mem).
  • A capacity alarm with event type Compute Manager Minimum Capacity Threshold is reported in the NSX-T UI.
  • You have only 1 Compute Manager associated on this NSX-T Manager cluster and as per Configmax guidelines for medium size managers it should support up to 2 compute managers.
  • To validate this further on your environment, you may run the below API call to confirm what is the current usage and supported maximum reporting by the NSX-T manager.
GET https://<nsxtmanager.fqdn>/api/v1/infra/capacity/dashboard/usage

    "usage_type" : "NUMBER_OF_COMPUTE_MANAGER",
    "display_name" : "Compute Managers",
    "current_usage_count" : 1, >>>> current usage
    "max_supported_count" : 1,  >>>> This should have been 2
    "min_threshold_percentage" : 70.0,
    "max_threshold_percentage" : 100.0,
    "current_usage_percentage" : 100.0,
    "severity" : "WARNING"


VMware NSX-T Datacenter


This is a false positive issue on the capacity dashboard framework on the affected 3.2.x versions for 'medium' form-factor NSX-T Manager nodes. It is supported up to 2 Compute Managers as stated in the Configmax guidelines.


This is fixed from VMware NSX-T 3.2.3 onwards.