Migration from NVDS to VDS Doesn't Complete, Leaves Hosts in Maintenance Mode.
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Migration from NVDS to VDS Doesn't Complete, Leaves Hosts in Maintenance Mode.


Article ID: 377504


Updated On:


VMware NSX


When attempting to use the CLI to migrate a cluster from NVDS switches to VDS switches, the process keeps moving forward with putting hosts in Maintenance Mode without completing the previous host.

Checking the upgrade settings verifies that the upgrade mode is Serial, not parallel.



NSX 3.2

Vsphere 7.0U3q


The migrations can be completed one host at a time using API calls:

  1. Shutdown any NAPP vms or other vms that should NOT be migrated off of the host.
  2. Put host in MM. 
  3. Copy HOST ID from host info in NSX UI, save in notepad
  4. Using POSTMAN:
    1. POST https://<mgr-ip>/api/v1/nvds-urt/precheck  (Click Send)
    2. GET https://<mgr-ip>/api/v1/nvds-urt/status-summary/<precheck-id-from-previous-step>  (Click Send)
    3. GET https:/<mgr-ip>/api/v1/nvds-urt/topology/<precheck-id>   (Click Send)
    4. Copy body of output from previous step
    5. POST https://<mgr-ip>/api/v1/nvds-urt/topology?action=apply
      1. Switch to body tab, select RAW, change drop down from TEXT to JSON
      2.  Paste body from step 4.   (Click Send)
    6. Change BODY to NONE
    7. GET https://<mgr-ip>/api/v1/nvds-urt/status-summary/<precheck-id>    (Click Send)
    8. POST https://<mgr-ip>/api/v1/transport-nodes/<tn-id>?action=migrate_to_vds   (Click Send)
    9. Re-run Step g. to monitor status. Once you see success move to the next step
  5. Verify host is setup to use the new VDS and that the NVDS is no longer showing attached to the host.
  6. Take the host out of Maintenance Mode
  7. Restart any VMs that were powered off in Step 1.

Additional Information

This information is based on the Migration instructions.

The documentation has some "Alternate" calls. Pick ONE and stick with it.

EVERY Time you run the POST from Step 1 or its alternative PUT it generates a NEW Pre-check ID invalidating the previous Pre-Check ID.

For consecutive hosts, you could possibly keep the initial Pre-Check id, do steps 1-3, then skip to 4g, but this has not been tested.