SQL Server ODBC Driver - SQLSTATE=08001 Error
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SQL Server ODBC Driver - SQLSTATE=08001 Error


Article ID: 377476


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CA Test Data Manager (Data Finder / Grid Tools)


When trying to use the latest SQL Server 18 driver, the ODBC connection setup throws the below error: 

SQLSTATE=08001 - SSL Provider: The certificate chain was not issued by an authority that is not trusted


All supported releases of GT Datamaker


This is because by default, the SQL Server is using a self-signed certificate.


  1. In the above 'Microsoft SQL Server Login' error message dialog, click 'OK' to close the popup window.

  2. In the 'Create a New Data Source to SQL Server' dialog windows, select the 'Next' button to proceed to the next page.

  3. On the next page, select the 'Trust Server certificate' checkbox, and click the 'Back' button (optional) to go back to the previous page.

  4. (Optional) Now you should be able to use the 'Change the default database to:' dropdown to select the appropriate database for this connection.

  5. Select 'Next' to proceed to the next page. Note: 'Trust server certificate' should already be selected, as we did this in step 3.

  6. Select 'Finish'

  7. Select 'Test Data Source' to verify the connection configuration.

  8. If the test is successful, select 'OK' to close out of the 'SQL Server ODBC Data Source Test' dialog window.

  9. In the 'ODBC Microsoft SQL Server Setup' dialog window, select 'OK' to complete the setup.

  10. Use this ODBC connection for GT Datamaker to connect to the gtrep repository database.