Running odbctest command line, the command fails and report an error about the message file:
# ./odbctest -dsn '<dsn>' -table '<table>' -uid <user> -pwd <password> -v
CA, Inc. ODBC Test Tool. (./odbctest)
dsn = '<dsn>'
user id = '<user>'
table = '<table>'
Cannot find driver manager message file. Check InstallDir setting in odbc.ini and LANG environment variable. Message file: '/{home_policy_server}/odbc/locale/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/odbc.m'
Policy Server 12.8 on RedHat;
The issue can be reproduced when setting the environment variable LANG value to en_GB.UTF-8.
As per documentation, LANG environment variable should be unset on the Policy Server (1).
Before running the odbctest tool:
- Ensure all the Policy Server environment variables are set;
- Unset LANG environment variable, or set it to en_US.UTF-8:
to unset:
# export LANG=
to set to en_US:
# export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
The odbctool will run as expected:{home_policy_server}/bin$ export LANG=en_US.UTF-8{home_policy_server}/bin$ ./odbctest -dsn '<dsn>' -table '<table>' -uid <user> -pwd password -v
CA, Inc. ODBC Test Tool. (./odbctest)
dsn = '<dsn>'
user id = '<user>'
table = '<table>'
- Size of Universal Character Set character is 1
When unsetting the LANG environment, then the tool works and the error message goes away too:$ export LANG=$ ./odbctest -dsn '<dsn>' -table '<table>' -uid <user> -pwd password -v
CA, Inc. ODBC Test Tool. (./odbctest)
dsn = '<dsn>'
user id = '<user>'
table = '<table>'
- Size of Universal Character Set character is 1