Why are $HASP100 messages being written to the TWSZ CONTROLLER or TRACKER JOBLOG on z/OS 1.7 or higher?
Release: All supported releases.
On z/OS 1.7 and up for each scheduled job submitted, the message $HASP100 JOB ON READER appears in the JOBLOG of the TWSZ CONTROLLER or TRACKER that submits that job. On RACF systems, message IRR010I also appears if it is not being suppressed.
In z/OS V1R7, JES2 INTERNAL READER PROCESSING is moved out of the JES2 ADDRESS SPACE into the address space of the submitting task. As a result of this change, message $HASP100 is now written to the JOBLOG of the submitting task as well as to the SYSLOG. Security messages such as IRR010I are by default issued to the same places as the message $HASP100.
This is normal processing, and is to be expected. There is no JES or system facility to suppress message $HASP100 from the JOBLOG (JESMSGLG dataset).