User directory import failed with dirTimeout
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User directory import failed with dirTimeout


Article ID: 377372


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CA Identity Suite


Seeing the following error after updating the user directory hostname and userdn from the management console

Configuring parsed objects...
  Updating the Identity Manager directory "ABCD UserStore"...
    Configuring SiteMinder user directory "ABCD UserStore"...
    Setting the search options

An error occurred while configuring Identity Manager.  Reverting configured objects...
Error: For input string: "##dirTimeout"

1 error(s), 1 warning(s)



Identity Manger 14.5 


When integrated with SiteMinder, updating IM Directories forces the IM app to synchronize the changes to the SiteMinder's copy of the directory. This happens after the modification/creation of the IM directory, so this is the "postCreate" phase and this is where the error occurred


1) Going to  \policysever.rar\META-INF folder located within the iam_im.ear on the application server that is running CA IdentityMinder.

2) Open the ra.xml file in an editor.

3) Looking for the Enabled config-property, and then change the config-property-value to false

4) Saving the changes and restart the application server.

5) Import the modified directory.xml ( in our case user directory hostname and userdn)

6) Stop the application server and undo the change ra.xml change

7) Restart the application server.