Oracle Database Instance CPU Metrics
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Oracle Database Instance CPU Metrics


Article ID: 377335


Updated On: 09-16-2024


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management On-Premise (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management SaaS (Nimsoft / UIM)


We have an emergency, we are trying to monitor CPU consumption per DB and we want to see these metrics. We deployed the oracle probe and it does not provide us with CPU consumption. We want to know with which probe we can achieve that. This is important for the institution since we are doing a survey to purchase iron from the servers. What we want to achieve is that on a server we have several DBs and we want to know the individual consumption of those DBs. For example, tell us that the DB_1 has 20% CPU utilized and DB_2 has 30% utlized.


  • DX UIM 20.4 or higher
  • oracle probe GA version



  • Guidance


How to create a custom checkpoint for the oracle probe

Use V$OSSTAT or V$SYSMETRIC_HISTORY view to monitor system utilization statistics from the operating system.

Useful statistics contained in V$OSSTAT and V$SYSMETRIC_HISTORY include:

■ Number of CPUs
■ CPU utilization
■ Load
■ Paging
■ Physical memory

You can try using one or more of these Oracle Views:



Yet, creating an Oracle custom checkpoint would be the recommended approach.

You may consider this query shown below as well but first run it successfully to see the output:

select * from (select username,sid, round((cpu_usage/(select sum(value) total_cpu_usage from gv$sesstat t inner join gv$session  s on ( t.sid = s.sid ) inner join gv$statname n on ( t.statistic# = n.statistic#) where like '%CPU used by this session%' and nvl(s.sql_exec_start, s.prev_exec_start) >= sysdate-1/24))*100,2) cpu_usage_per_cent, module_info,client_info from (select nvl(s.username,'Oracle Internal Proc.') username,s.sid,t.value cpu_usage, nvl(s.module, s.program) module_info, decode(s.osuser,'oracle', s.client_info, s.osuser) client_info from gv$sesstat t inner join gv$session  s on ( t.sid = s.sid ) inner join gv$statname n on ( t.statistic# = n.statistic# ) where like '%CPU used by this session%' and nvl(s.sql_exec_start, s.prev_exec_start) >= sysdate-1/24) s1 ) order by cpu_usage_per_cent desc fetch first 10 rows only


If the Oracle DB server is deployed on a Windows OS, you may also consider Windows performance counters but that would require running ntperf probe on a local robot on the DB server, e.g.,