When using gpssh on a Greenplum cluster long output lines may be truncated, for example
[gpadmin@mdw ~]$ gpssh -f hostfile
=> ps -ef|grep postgres|grep gpmon|head -n 2
[sdw1] gpadmin 209962 209407 0 Sep03 ? 00:00:06 postgres: 6000, gpmon gpper
[sdw1] gpadmin 209963 209409 0 Sep03 ? 00:00:06 postgres: 6001, gpmon gpper
[sdw2] gpadmin 3859491 3859175 0 Sep03 ? 00:00:06 postgres: 6000, gpmon gpper
[sdw2] gpadmin 3859492 3859176 0 Sep03 ? 00:00:07 postgres: 6001, gpmon gpper
[ mdw] gpadmin 3898828 3898770 0 Sep03 ? 00:00:05 postgres: 5432, gpmon gpperfmon 172.X.X.X(11200) con14 cmd1 idle
[ mdw] gpadmin 3898838 3898770 0 Sep03 ? 00:00:08 postgres: 5432, gpmon gpperfmon 172.X.X.X(11216) con15 cmd6157 idle
When the same command is run directly on the segment host the full ourput is provided:
[gpadmin@sdw1 ~]$ ps -ef|grep postgres|grep gpmon|head -n 2
gpadmin 209962 209407 0 Sep03 ? 00:00:06 postgres: 6000, gpmon gpperfmon 172.X.X.X(26286) con15 seg0 idle
gpadmin 209963 209409 0 Sep03 ? 00:00:06 postgres: 6001, gpmon gpperfmon 172.X.X.X(13326) con15 seg1 idle
The workaround is to run the command below before using the required command:
stty columns 200
For example:
gpadmin@mdw ~]$ gpssh -f hostfile
=> stty columns 200
[ mdw]
=> ps -ef|grep postgres|grep gpmon|head -n 2
[sdw1] gpadmin 209962 209407 0 Sep03 ? 00:00:06 postgres: 6000, gpmon gpperfmon 172.X.X.X(26286) con15 seg0 cmd6157 idle
[sdw1] gpadmin 209963 209409 0 Sep03 ? 00:00:06 postgres: 6001, gpmon gpperfmon 172.X.X.X(13326) con15 seg1 cmd6157 idle
[sdw2] gpadmin 3859491 3859175 0 Sep03 ? 00:00:06 postgres: 6000, gpmon gpperfmon 172.X.X.X(25341) con13 seg2 cmd1689 idle
[sdw2] gpadmin 3859492 3859176 0 Sep03 ? 00:00:07 postgres: 6001, gpmon gpperfmon 172.X.X.X(13258) con13 seg3 cmd1689 idle
[ mdw] gpadmin 3898828 3898770 0 Sep03 ? 00:00:05 postgres: 5432, gpmon gpperfmon 172.X.X.X(11200) con14 cmd1 cmd3 idle
[ mdw] gpadmin 3898838 3898770 0 Sep03 ? 00:00:08 postgres: 5432, gpmon gpperfmon 172.X.X.X(11216) con15 cmd6157 idle
Code fix is being developed