Is it possible to share the DADS Plus for CICS audit file dataset (DADSAUD) between CICS regions?
Release: 4.0
Component: DADS Plus for CICS
Sharing of the DADS Plus for CICS audit file has never been certified by the quality assurance department. The Audit file is shipped with share parameters SHR (2,3) so the file can only be updated by one CICS region at a time. Attempting to share the file between CICS regions, the second region receives the following error message which indicates the file is in use.
12.16.31 JOB52065 IEC161I 052(013,CICS9167)-084,CICS9169,$$$$$$@,DADSAUD,,, 625
12.16.31 JOB52065 +DFHFC0966 A11ICI33 Non-RLS OPEN of file DADSAUD failed. Unable to position ESDS. Error codes: 8503,0008,00A8.
It is recommend to define a unique audit file (DADSAUD) for each CICS region in which DADS Plus for CICS is installed. The Audit file is an optional file.
JCL to define and initialize the audit file is located in installation PDS HLQ.SAMPLIB member DADSAUD.
For more information on the DADS Plus for CICS audit file please review the DADS Plus for CICS release 4.0 Installation guide.