Rabbitmq: how to use helm to install OSS Rabbitmq in Kubernetes
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Rabbitmq: how to use helm to install OSS Rabbitmq in Kubernetes


Article ID: 377319


Updated On:


Support Only for OpenSource RabbitMQ


This guide will show you how to deploy the OSS Rabbitmq cluster in Kubernetes.





  • Install the helm first


In this guide, we will show how to install helm in MacOS

brew install helm


Please refer to the guide below for more details:




  • Installation of the cluster operator using Helm chart

To install the Operator using Bitnami Helm chart, run the following command:

helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
helm install my-release bitnami/rabbitmq-cluster-operator


Please use helm list to check the status.


  • Installation of the Rabbitmq using Helm chart

helm install my-release-rabbitmq oci://registry-1.docker.io/bitnamicharts/rabbitmq


There are two releases now.  One is for cluster operator and the other is for rabbitmq.


  • Use the following command to check status

kubectl get pods


Up till now, the OSS Rabbitmq for Kubernetes is ready.