Scroll bar is not available on Risks Widget
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Scroll bar is not available on Risks Widget


Article ID: 377305


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


In the new UI Status report, the horizontal scroll bar is missing, which prevents users from viewing all the configured columns in the table widget.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Navigate to New UI
  2. Open a project and create few risks on the project
  3. Enable the field 'Include in Status Reporting'
  4. Click on the Status tab, configure the table widget with the Target object set to Risks, enter a title, and create the widget
  5. Configure the Risks widget with multiple columns (approx 5-6 columns)
  6. Try to view all the columns in the Risks

Expected Results:
Should be able to scroll towards right using the horizontal scroll bar

Actual Results:
Horozontal scroll bar is not available




Due to DE153882


DE153882 is reviewed and confirmed to be working as per design.

In Table view mode users will only be able to use the Vertical scrolling but not horizontal scrolling.