Standard ROBO license doesn't work on ESA 2-node stretch clusters
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Standard ROBO license doesn't work on ESA 2-node stretch clusters


Article ID: 377297


Updated On:


VMware vSAN


Standard ROBO license fails to apply to ESA 2-node stretch clusters with the below error:

The license does not support some of the features that assets currently use




vSAN ESA 8.x


This is caused due to ESA has Deduplication and Compression is enabled by default and can't be changed. Standard ROBO license doesn't support Deduplication and Compression.



An Advanced ROBO license or higher is required for ESA 2-node stretch clusters. See the VMware vSAN Licensing Guide attached to this KB.

Additional Information

vSAN 8.0 introduced Express Storage Architecture, the industry’s first single-tier, all-NVMe storage solution, designed to efficiently leverage multiple tiers of storage devices to deliver a wide range of performance targets. Express Storage Architecture is included in vSAN Advanced, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus, and vSAN+. 


vmware-vsan-licensing-guide.pdf get_app