Accessing or modifying a GuestInfo variable value from the guest OS fails with "Permission denied" error.
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Accessing or modifying a GuestInfo variable value from the guest OS fails with "Permission denied" error.


Article ID: 377294


Updated On:


VMware vSphere ESX 7.x VMware vSphere ESX 8.x


  • "Permission denied" error is returned when getting or setting GuestInfo variables using "vmware-rpctool" or "vmtoolsd --cmd" on Linux guests, or using "rpctool.exe" or "vmtoolsd.exe --cmd" on Windows guests


The issue can be caused when accessing GuestInfo variables is denied to regular users (non-admin/non-root) based on VM setting
- "" is TRUE (default is FALSE) in the VM configuration, the following operations in the guest return the "Permission denied" error:

  • vmware-rpctool” on Linux or “rpctool.exe” on Windows is used to get a GuestInfo variable value using the "info-get" command,


  •  "vmtoolsd --cmd" on Linux or "vmtoolsd.exe --cmd" on Windows is used by a regular user (non-admin/non-root) to get a GuestInfo variable  value using the "info-get" command.

The issue can be caused when modifying GuestInfo variables is denied to regular users (non-admin/non-root) based on VM settings.
 - "" is TRUE (default is FALSE) in the VM configuration, the following operations in the guest return the "Permission denied" error:

  • vmware-rpctool” on Linux or “rpctool.exe” on Windows is used to set a GuestInfo variable value using the "info-set" command


  • "vmtoolsd --cmd" on Linux or "vmtoolsd.exe --cmd" on Windows is used  by a regular user (non-admin/non-root) to set a GuestInfo variable value using the "info-set" command


When accessing a GuestInfo variable value returns "Permission denied" error, perform one of:
 - Use the "vmtoolsd --cmd" on Linux or "vmtoolsd.exe --cmd" on Windows as an administrator or root user,

- Set "" value to FALSE in the VM configuration.

When modifying a GuestInfo variable value returns "Permission denied" error,perform one of:

 - Use the "vmtoolsd --cmd" on Linux or "vmtoolsd.exe --cmd" on Windows as an administrator or root user,


 - Set "" value to FALSE in the VM configuration.
Note: Changes to these VM parameters require the VM configuration to be reloaded. If the VM is powered on when the settings are modified, the VM needs to be:
  - shutdown or powered off and powered on again.

  - Migrated (vMotion) as to force a VM configuration reload on the running VM.