Accessibility – When Tabbing to Lookup Drop Downs fields in View Mode in MUX the labels are not read out
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Accessibility – When Tabbing to Lookup Drop Downs fields in View Mode in MUX the labels are not read out


Article ID: 377289


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


When using Tab in View Mode in MUX Project properties with a screen reader, the drop down field labels are not read out by the Screen reader, whilst other type fields labels are read out. Lookup attributes / drop-down list fields are not recognized by Screen reader

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Install JAWS latest version 2024.2406.121 and reboot your PC
  2. Start JAWS
  3. Now connect to Clarity MUX – open a project – Properties
  4. On the properties page, use Tab to navigate between each field, until you get to a lookup Drop down and select it with TAB

Expected Results: The screen reader to read the label for each field

Actual Results: The screen reader reads every other attribute label, but does not read the label for Drop Drown fields (lookups), just reads the values. It reads similar to below: “Selected: Type Text, type and text”, Reproduced with JAWS 2023, 2024 Other fields work, string, URL, hypertext etc.


Clarity 16.2.2, 16.2.3





  • Use mouse pointer, and the screen reader will read the labels
  • Try using NVDA as well instead of JAWS.

DE153877 is fixed in 16.3.1 and backported to 16.2.3 (Patch 2), 16.3.0 (Patch 1)