MUX - When entering time on the timesheet it is expected that what user sees on the screen is what actually saved in the database.
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MUX - When entering time on the timesheet it is expected that what user sees on the screen is what actually saved in the database.


Article ID: 377280


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


We have a timesheet rule to ensure a min 5 working days (FTE) are entered. However, users are getting an error even if they have satisfied this requirement.
If user by mistake entered 0.102 it will display 0.10 on the screen but in the database it will save as 0.102 causing rule to trigger and not allow user to submit their timesheet.

Steps to Reproduce: 

1. Login to Classic Ui.
2. Navigate to Timesheet Options -> set Display Unit to Days and decimal places to 2.
3. Navigate to Modern UX -> Administration -> Timesheets. 
4. Create a Rule with below options.
    Resource :- Active = Yes
    Timesheet Total :- Timesheet Daily Total != 1
    Message :- Each working day must total one (1) full day or eight (8) hours.
5. Open up a timesheet and add few assignment.
6. Populate each assignment with values. Essentially we want all the time entries to be filled up in Fractions, but on one of the entries put 0.102
7. Ensure that Daily Total = 1 and the Weekly Total = 5.
9. Submit the Timesheet

Expected Results: It should allow timesheet to be submitted since on the screen I see everything totaling correctly.

Actual Results: Rule is triggered since in Database it is stored as 0.102 causing rule to display and not allow timesheet to be submitted.


16.2.2, 16.2.3


DE153873, Fixed in 16.3.1.