Failed ESXi Upgrade via SDDC Manager from to target version with the following Error:
"VUM Remediation installation of an ESXi host failed." AND "Manual intervention needed as upgrade failed during install stage."
VCF version 4.5.x
VM Tools version 12.3.5 build 23794019 isn't working properly.
From with in the vCenter's vSphere UI, use the Update Manager to create a baseline for VMware Tools version 12.4.5 and above and then apply it to all the hosts in the same cluster. Once the VMtool update is successful, retry the ESXi upgrade from the SDDC Manager.
When checking the VUM compliance it may fail with:
"Cannot download VIB." AND "This might be because of network issues of the specified VIB does not exist or does NOT have a proper 'read' privilege set. Please make sure the specified VIB exists and is accessible from vCenter Server."