Release Automation Component Version Information
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Release Automation Component Version Information


Article ID: 37726


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CA Release Automation - Release Operations Center (Nolio) CA Release Automation - DataManagement Server (Nolio)


As a Release Automation administrator you will need to get version information periodically from your different Release Automation components (NAC, NES, NAG). This article describes the various ways you can go about getting this information.

Where can I find the version of my NAC (Nolio Automation Center), NES (Nolio Execution Server), or NAG (Nolio Agent)?


Release Automation 6.x


Nolio Automation Center (NAC):

  1. If the ROC/ASAP is available then you can use the Help -> About menu.
  2. If you have access to the files on the NES you can check the conf/version file.
  3. If 1 & 2 are unavailable then you might have a NolioInstallDir/logs/center_upgrade.log that has some lines indicating the version. Here are some lines that include version information:
    • Retrieved current version from file [conf/version] : []
    • Current version retrieved from DB (version_table):
  4. If 1-3 are unavailable but there is also a NES installed on the same machine as the NAC then you can use the methods described for NES. 

Nolio Execution Servers (NES):

  1. If you have access to the files on the NES you can check the conf/version file.
  2. If you have access to the logs then you can check the nimi.log file for a line with the text: This node info.
    • Example: This node info : NodeInfo{nodeId=nid:<nes node id>, hostname='<nes server name>', addresses=[/<ipv6>:6600, /<ipv4>:6600], nodeType=SUPERNODE,}
  3. If you have access to the NAC logs then you can check the nolio_dm_all.log file for a line with the text: Updating NES connectivity.
    • Updating NES connectivity. current details: ExecutionServerDetails{id=1, hostname='<nes hostname>', scheme='HTTP', port=8080, brokerPort=61616, jxtaName='<nes node id>', reachable=true, seversCategoryId=2, errorMessage='null', os='Linux', version='', nimiPort=6600, keepAliveTimestamp=Wed Feb 03 00:34:56 EST 2018, standAlone=true} received details: ExecutionServerDTO{nodeID='<nes node id>', osType='Linux', version='', nimiPort=6600}

Nolio Agent (NAG):

  1. If you have access to the files on the NAG you can check the conf/version file.
  2. If you have access to the logs then you can check the nimi.log file for a line with the text: This node info.
    • Example: This node info : NodeInfo{nodeId=nid:<nag node id>, hostname='<nag server name>', addresses=[/<ipv6>:6600, /<ipv4>:6600], nodeType=NODE,}
  3. If you have access to the NES logs then you can check the nimi.log file for a line with the text: Connected nodes:
    • Example: Connected nodes: (1) : [NodeInfo{nodeId=<nag node id>, hostname='<nag hostname>', addresses=[/<ipv4>:6900, /<ipv6>:6900, /<ipv4>:6900], nodeType=NODE,}]