DR DB vbr.py backup returns warning about catalog write problems
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DR DB vbr.py backup returns warning about catalog write problems


Article ID: 377258


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DX NetOps CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration


Vertica Backup Warning related to storage container

Found the following error when running the Vertica vbr.py backup script on the DX NetOps Data Repository cluster nodes.

WARNING 10208:  Some storage containers' bundle metadata is not written to the catalog
HINT:  Please run meta-function "select do_tm_task('update_storage_catalog')" to update the catalog"


All supported DX NetOps Performance Management releases


The new vbr.py script checks the database for projections containing invalid metadata.


The error is benign. The error should be ignored.

The UPDATE_STORAGE_CATALOG meta-function is is only used in a Vertica database running in EON mode.

The Vertica databases we utilize run in Enterprise mode.