Upgrading Panaudit Plus: which changes must be done to the macro library to implement the upgrade?
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Upgrading Panaudit Plus: which changes must be done to the macro library to implement the upgrade?


Article ID: 37724


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PanAudit Plus Easytrieve Report Generator


Upgrading the release of Panaudit Plus: Regarding the macro library, which changes must be done to implement the upgrade?





Easytrieve Report Generator release 11.6 and Panaudit Plus release 3.0




Panaudit Plus has its own CAILIB, separate from the Easytrieve CAILIB.  This will need to either be in the linklist before the prior release of Panaudit Plus or changed to the new Panaudit Plus CAILIB in the //STEPLIB DD statements of the Easytrieve programs.

The //PANDD DD statement in the Easytrieve programs is used to specify the DCB name of the Panaudit Plus library where the macros are stored.

So, the JCL must be changed at least for the //PANDD DD statement to reflect the latest Panaudit Plus CAIMAC library.