Flink Container services are not running
GUI Screenshot as below:
In Restapilayer logs at location /var/log/arkin/restapilayer/ you should see below entry:
2024-09-04T09:15:19.212Z INFO common.utils.GCNotificationListener Service Thread handleNotification:44 GC_DETAILS , ID=10, GC_TYPE=end of minor GC, GC_NAME=PS Scavenge, DURATION(millis)=51, GC_CAUSE=Allocat
ion Failure, GC_START_TIME(millsAfterJVMStart)=9777, GC_END_TIME(millsAfterJVMStart)=9828
2024-09-04T09:15:19.412Z INFO storage.config.CachedConfigStore main <init>:146 creating cached config store with config: propertyCacheSizeInMB: 400
versionsRefreshIntervalInMS: 500
rpcConfigCacheConfig {
host: "localhost"
2024-09-04T09:15:20.766Z INFO vnera.common.VneraExecutors main getExecutor:136 Number of threads=4, spec=name: "resourcemanager-exec"
numThreads: 4
Aria Operations for Networks 6.10 Dual stack
Service health command for Flink running_containers
count is zero.
This is marking Flink service as not running or unhealthy.
This is a known issue impacting VMware Aria Operations for Networks running dual stack.
If you believe you have encountered this issue, please open a support request with VMware Aria Operations for Networks and refer to this KB article for a workaround to be implement by GSS.
For more information, see Creating and managing Broadcom support cases.
This issue is fixed in VMware Aria Operations for Networks 6.14.0