Flushing the whole MA sandbox queue using RAPI
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Flushing the whole MA sandbox queue using RAPI


Article ID: 377207


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ISG Content Analysis Malware Analysis


Flushing the whole MA sandbox queue using RAPI


RAPI is Remote Application Programming Interface, or Remote API. The first thing we want to do is create an API token.

CAS# ma-actions api-key create role administrator user admin

Note that keys are not stored on the system in plain text and cannot be retrieved later.
Created new API Key: 82feb6789a7c421cbe13e0e7f12345cc (Key ID 01J6DY0SR871M5B1DAXMNT2D30)

So, now we have this key from my CAS/MA system, 82feb6789a7c421cbe13e0e7f12345cc (randomly written alpha numeric characters, not a real key). This is very important, like it says, you can't retrieve this from the system again. Now that we have that, issue commands to the system directly with this; that's RAPI.

So, to purge the CAS-MA queue, run the following curl command:

$ curl -k -X POST -H "X-API-TOKEN:82feb6789a7c421cbe13e0e7f12345cc" https://<appliance_IP_address>:8082/rapi/system/purge_task_queues
  "api_version": 10,
  "exec_time": 0.8011,
  "request": "POST /system/purge_task_queues",
  "results": [
  "results_count": 1,
"server_time": "2024-09-12T11:08:56.454067"

that just dumped my entire MA task queue, pretty nifty. To see a complete list of API functions for performing malware analysis, go to the following URL: https://<appliance_IP_address

Reference: Content Analysis APIs (broadcom.com)

Additional Information

If there is infinite sandboxing after flushing the queue, please make sure IntelliVM execution time is defined, Configure Content Analysis Task Settings (broadcom.com)