NSX 3.x
NSX 4.x
The Upgrade plan updates a file that persists after a reboot. The plan needs to be reset via API.
Reset the upgrade plan via API.
You can run this API call from a client such as Postman or from the root shell of any NSX manager using curl.
POST https://mgr_IP/api/v1/upgrade/plan?action=reset&component_type=<component>
Component parameters are: 'HOST', 'EDGE' or 'MP'
POST https://mgr_IP/api/v1/upgrade/plan?action=reset&component_type=MP
POST https://mgr_IP/api/v1/upgrade/plan?action=reset&component_type=EDGE
POST https://mgr_IP/api/v1/upgrade/plan?action=reset&component_type=HOST
Check to make sure the Upgrade-Coordinator service is running before and after running the above API calls.
If you are running NSX There may be a failure to reset the upgrade plan via API.
Please see Failed to execute method GetRemoteRepoSyncResult error when upgrading NSX