CDM probe continuously restarts with fresh install or upgrade to version 7.10, 7.20, and 7.21 on RHEL 8.9 and 9.4.
Note: CDM 6.84 and older versions work fine
CDM with loglevel 5 does not capture helpful messages.
CDM probe 7.10, 7.20, and 7.21 deployment with and without iostat metrics enabled with profiles deployed via MCS or Probe
This issue will be resolved in the next CDM GA version. Current solution is to download and deploy the attached CDM build,7.21T2, and configure the iostat settings below in the cdm probe configuration file.
Option 1. If iostat metrics are not enabled, change the 'monitor_iostat' key from yes (default) to no
monitor_iostat = no
Option 2. If iostat metrics are enabled, change the 'monitor_iostat' key from yes (default) to no and add old_monitor_iostat = yes
monitor_iostat = no
old_monitor_iostat = yes