Spring Cloud Services provides access to the logs generated by each service instance, including logs for the backing apps (Spring Cloud Config server app or Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka app) for each instance. You can view these logs using the Service Instance Logging cf CLI plug-in. You can use the service-logs command to tail logs or dump recent logs for a service instance using the commands shown below.
To tail logs for a service instance, run cf service-logs SERVICE_NAME, where SERVICE_NAME is the name of the service instance:
To dump recent logs for the instance, use the --recent flag:
If your TAS deployment uses a self-signed certificate, you must use the --skip-ssl-validation flag to deactivate the default validation of the platform's SSL certificate:
When SCS 3.2.5 is in use, retrieving service instance logs fails with the following error:
% cf service-logs config --recent Retrieving logs for service instance config in org abc / space 123 as admin...
/v2/services did not contain a service instance logs endpoint: maybe the broker version is too old
The error is caused by an unsupported plugin in the Spring Cloud App Broker
This issues is fixed in SCS 3.2.6. For more details, see SCS release notes.