Is it possible to change highlighting of the ECSA, ESQA, SQA, CSA fields in the Overview Section of a SYSVIEW display?
Article ID: 37698
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SYSVIEW Performance Management
On the ACTIVITY screen, the ECSA, ESQA, SQA, and CSA fields are highlighted even when the condition is NORMAL. I do not want them highlighted if they are not representing a WARNING or PROBLEM. How can I change condition fields that are NORMAL so they don't highlight?
In SYSVIEW, the SCREEN command is used to display and modify the attributes of the screen display fields.
To change how SYSVIEW highlights Normal Condition status fields do the following:
In SYSVIEW, issue the SCREEN command.
Then, Find the row for "CONDNormal".
There are four valid values for the Hilite field, the include: NONE, BLINK, REVERSE, and USCORE. REVERSE allows for normal highlighting. Ensure the Hilite field is set to NONE if highlighting is not desired.
After setting NONE, press PF3 to leave the SCREEN display.