When trying to update Autosys with a cumulative patch the process provided a Login error.
The database user password has special characters #
Example command:
./Install_INCR.sh -t S -f <PATCH#> -d ORA -u <username> -p pass#word -s svc_autosysP
Autosys 12.x
Linux operating system treats special characters on the command line differently
Option 1:
run the command without the -p command to be prompted for the password.
This will then PROMPT for the password to enter.
This should prevent the problem with special characters.
-p <db_password> For Sybase or SQL server, the database administrator (sa) user
password for the primary server.
For Oracle, the schema owner password for
the primary server.
This option is invalid on a shadow or tie-breaker
install. Otherwise, if -p is not specified, you are
prompted to type the password. See <db_password> in
OPERANDS for more information.
Option 2:
Enclose the password in Quates and provide the proper escape sequence
./Install_INCR.sh -t S -f <PATCH#> -d ORA -u <username> -p \"pass\#word\" -s svc_autosys