Tasks missing in the MUX Task Timeline view when external dependencies are present
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Tasks missing in the MUX Task Timeline view when external dependencies are present


Article ID: 376861


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Tasks missing in the MUX Task Timeline view when external dependencies are present.


1. Create 3 projects: 1 master project and 2 subprojects
2. Subproject 1 contains 2 tasks and Subproject 2 contains 30 of them. Add these 2 subprojects under the master project
3. Open Subproj1: Create an external dependency from Task A to Task 01 in Subproj2
                              Create an external dependency from Task B to Task 04 in Subproj2. 
                              The type or lag of the dependency is irrelevant.
4. Open the Main project and go to the Gantt view. Collapse all and refresh the entire page, so that you will see the Main Task from the Main project and the two tasks representing the two subprojects.
5. Expand Project 2: Task A from Subproj1 appears as a "neighbor" of Task 01 and Task B from Subproj2 appears as "neighbor" of Task 04. 
6. Move down in the task list and notice the jump from Task 25 to Task 28. 

Expected Results: Subproj2 Tasks it be visible in the Timeline view

Actual Results: Task 26 and Task 27, which are visible from the grid view, are missing, no where to be seen in the Timeline view.


Clarity 16.2.x




DE153709 is fixed in 16.3.0 (Targeted to release November 2024) and also backported to 16.2.3 patch 1