How to wrap the date and time of all CICS transactions that execute in a particular CICS region?
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How to wrap the date and time of all CICS transactions that execute in a particular CICS region?


Article ID: 37686


Updated On:


Date Simulator


How to wrap the date and time of all CICS transactions that execute in a particular CICS region? 



Release: TCDASM00200-2-Date Simulator


In the sample JCL below the CICSALL parameter is used to wrap all the transactions in a CICS 5.2 region with a job name of CICS9169. The date will be set to 12/31/2015 and the current time will be set to 02:30:30   

//WARPPARM EXEC PGM=WARPPARM                                                    

//STEPLIB  DD   DISP=SHR,DSN=DATESIM.V200.APFLOAD                       

//SYSUDUMP DD   SYSOUT=X                                                       

//SYSOUT   DD   SYSOUT=X                                                        

//SYSIN    DD   *                                                              

SET JOB CICS9169 CICSALL DATE 12/31/2015 CURRENT TIME 02:30:30                  




Additional information: 

For further information Date Simulator Installation and User’s guide release 2.0. 

In addition to the Example JCL above Date Simulator needs to be installed in the CICS region.