Used PGM=AMASPZAP,PARM='IGNIDRFULL' with following control statements:
DUMP module name
On the master console they received the following message from PMO:
PMO522I - D=dsname.loadlib ,M=********,LNKSET=.9.
Why is this message being issued since there is no actual update of the load module in the PDSE with AMASPZAP?
The IBM program AMASPZAP opens a PDSE for update when processing a DUMP command Please refer to the PMO System Programmers Guide - Chapter 6. As described, PMO recognizes two types of updates to managed libraries - Library Member, which we recognize by intercepting the STOW SVC, and Entire Library, recognized by intercepting the CLOSE SVC.
The second type of update is what happens in this case. This is how PMO recognizes a library compress performed by IEBCOPY, for example. But more generally, PMO looks at every CLOSE and if the DCB was open for anything other than INPUT, we check to see if the library is managed. If so, we action the request by either clearing the PMO cache or, as in this case, issuing LLA update warning messages or selectively updating LLA.
So the bottom line is that PMO does not know that this was AMASPZAP executing and for that matter that it was only reading data. The only way we could know that would be to process the SYSIN data and make a decision based on the commands entered.
As a method to circumvent or bypass this type of situation you can add the following DD statement to your job step.