When attempting to deploy products through Aria Suite Lifecycle, I/O errors are encountered with Task Cancelled by User seen in vCenter
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When attempting to deploy products through Aria Suite Lifecycle, I/O errors are encountered with Task Cancelled by User seen in vCenter


Article ID: 376790


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


  • You are attempting to deploy Aria Suite 8.x products through Aria Suite Lifecycle 8.x.
  • Once the OVF deployment is initiated and picked up as a task in vCenter, it abruptly fails.
    • in VMware vSphere, errors seen are:
      • The task was cancelled by a user.
    • In Aria Suite Lifecyle, errors seen are:
      • LCMVSPHERECONFIG1000016 An exception was given to I/O when performing the operation.


VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle 8.x

VMware vSphere 7.x / 8.x


This issue is primarily caused by misconfigurations in networking or storage. Specifically DNS related issues or required ports not being opened.


1. Ensure DNS and network requirement outlined in the easy installer system requirement documentation are met, specifically DNS resolution and required ports being opened between Lifecycle manager , aria suite products being deployed and the esxi hosts in the vSphere infrastructure.

2. Reattempt the deployment to a different vLAN or storage cluster.