Trying to open OneClick WebApp with Firefox browser, when using the IP address in the URL - e.g. http://<IP>:port/spectrum/webapp, it returns a blank page
Using the FQDN instead of the IP address in the URL it works fine and opens the WebApp console screen
Using Firefox Developer Tools (from the Firefox menu select: Tools -> Web Developer -> Web Developer Tools), can see failure concerning SSL certificate not valid.
The browser tries to access the specified URL on port 9443 (if OneClick WebApp is set to default 9443)
This is a specific issue with Firefox browser security only.
The same works fine in other browsers like Chrome.
Add the URL https://<IP>:9443 to the Firefox 'security exceptions':
Now the OneClick WebApp will work in the Firefox browser when using the IP address, instead of returning a blank page.
OneClick WebApp web server (WebTomcat) and OneClick Tomcat web server runs on separate ports.
Spectrum would be assigning the next available port number (by reading the OneClick Tomcat web server port number) to the WebTomcat web server.
OneClick Tomcat use HTTPS on port 8443.
Oneclick WebTomcat use HTTPS on port 9443 (from server.xml)