Process based on Resource Object not Auto Starting after Xog update.
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Process based on Resource Object not Auto Starting after Xog update.


Article ID: 376738


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


When the Start condition of a process based on a Resource object is set to start when a Resource 'Active' field is unchecked, if this action is done manually by a user in the 
Clarity user interface then the process starts as expected however if the 'Active' attribute is unchecked via Xog then the Process 'Auto-Start' does not occur.
The same action on Project object however does work fine.

Steps To Reproduce:

1. Create a Project based on 'Resource' object to 'Auto-Start' when a Resource 'Active' field is unchecked.
   '( ( Resource Active = 0 ) and ( Resource Active [Previous Value] != Resource Active ) )', 
2. Open the properties page of a Resource instance in Clarity and manually uncheck the 'Active' checkbox so that resource become inactive
3. On the Resource instance - 'Processes' tab in Clarity classic you fine that the process instance in created in step one above gets started
4. Check the 'Active' field again so resource become active again
5. Do a Xog update to uncheck the 'Active' attribute on the Resource instance

Expected:  A process instance should be triggered as the start condition has been met

Actual: No process instance gets started


16.2.1, 16.2.2, 16.2.3




Fixed in 16.3.0