This technical document will explain how to install a PIM endpoint on an AIX machine using the installp utility. There are times where system administrators may want to use the install_base utility to install their PIM software solution, or there are some system administrators that want to use the native installer, 'installp', to install packages on an AIX system.
After using the tar utility to extract the package's contents into your desired directory, this is the syntax that is also needed.
./customize_eac_bff -i /opt/seos -d /install/ CAeAC
This will set the installation directory to /opt/seos
./customize_eac_bff -w Proceed -d /install CAeAC.
This will set the license agreement so the preinstallation script doesn't fail.
installp -ac -d /install/CAeAC. CAeAC
This will install the package on the system.