VIP Enterprise Gateway Validation Server error "port already in use" when starting service
Article ID: 376456
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VIP Service
Error "port already in use" when attempting to start the RADIUS Validation Server.
Port is already in use due to remnant VIP Services after and upgrade that need to be manually removed
Method 1
Change the listening port number within Radius configuration page of EGConsole to a new port number (i.e., change 1812 to 1813), then start service
If service starts, then edit the port number again to return it to the original value and restart service again
Method 2
If Method 1 does not work, then follow these steps to kill the existing service
From the Windows Services console, located the Symantec VIP Validation Server service name.
Open an Administrator command prompt and navigate to bin folder in the existing Enterprise Gateway location (example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\VIP_Enterprise_Gateway\Validation\bin\
Run this command: vsauthremoveserver.exe -servicename Cisco_ASA
Use the netstat command to determine what PID is using that port (replace 1812 with the correct port)