LDAP user login stopped working with IM, Operator Console and Admin Console
Launch Infrastructure Manager (IM) and log in using the administrator user -> Click on Settings -> Select LDAP -> Click on Test and pop up message is displayed with ' Login failed. Check name and credentials.'
Error captured in the hub.log
(nim_ldap_get_connection): successful contact with LDAP server '<ldap.server.example>', secure=2
(nim_ldap_get_connection) ldap_initialize ( ldaps://<ldap.server.example>:636/ ) -> Success (0)
diagnostic [80090308: LdapErr: DSID-0C090439, comment: AcceptSecurityContext error, data 532, v4563]
ldap_server_login - failed for <ldap.server.example>: auth (ldap_simple_bind_s) failed: 'Invalid credentials' (49) (12)
This LDAP login issue is seen when service account password configured in UIM is incorrect.
To resolve this issue update the password in the Hub LDAP settings menu.