After upgrade to 14.5, directory servers show Service Error:2
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After upgrade to 14.5, directory servers show Service Error:2


Article ID: 376442


Updated On:


CA Identity Manager


We are noticing more failed login attempts by our IDM integration account for past three days. Observing these are logged in one of the Directory logs - "corp store router summary" and below, given are the sample log entries

[0] 20240820.174811.994 #40163.000 (BIND) : XX.XX.XX.XX COM/TEST/CORPSTORE/PEOPLE/IMADMIN : Service Error 2
[4] 20240820.174812.003 #40164.000 (BIND) : XX.XX.XX.XX COM/TEST/CORPSTORE/PEOPLE/IMADMIN : Service Error 2
[0] 20240820.174812.010 #40165.000 (BIND) : XX.XX.XX.XX COM/TESTCORPSTORE/PEOPLE/IMADMIN : Service Error 2
[4] 20240820.174813.066 #40166.000 (BIND) : XX.XX.XX.XX COM/TEST/CORPSTORE/PEOPLE/IMADMIN : Service Error 2

These failures are only happening for a specific hour of day, like say 3 or 4 PM UTC. and we could see successful BINDs happening before and after this failure occurrence. All tasks are getting completed successfully and we don't see any issues/errors happening within IDM where this same integration account (IMADMIN) is used. But this is worrying us more because we see more login failures, like around 6K per day. Please help us understand why these failures are happening. We upgraded the IDM version from 14.4 CP2 to 14.5


Identity manager 14.5



Our Directory team's recommendation is to make the change incrementally

Since the current max-users value is 255, you can use something like 512 or 1024, and monitor the system. Then tune this setting accordingly.