JCP Rest generates force traces when opening a For Each Workflow "Workflow Monitor"
On the JCP Rest log:
20240531/150352.014 - 53 U00045098 Method 'GET', URL: 'https://hostname:port/ae/api/v1/client_number/executions/runid/ert'
20240531/150352.014 - 53 U00045014 Exception 'java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: "Unable to find any longest path for the given graph."' at 'com.automic.ert.model.service.ErtEstimationCalculator.addLongestPathVertexKeysToResult():114'.
20240531/150352.029 - 53 U00003620 Routine '' forces trace because of error.
20240531/150352.029 - 53 U00003450 The TRACE file was opened with the switches '0000000000000000'.
20240531/150352.441 - 53 U00003449 Output to the TRACE file is finished.
20240531/150352.472 - 53 U00045099 The server replied with following status: '500'
This only occurs on AE 21.0.10 or 24.1.0 and superior, it does not occur on 21.0.9 or inferior.
Automation Engine 21.0.10 or superior and 24.1.0 and superior.
Update to a fix version listed below or a newer version if available.
Fix version:
Component(s): Automation Engine
Will be fixed in Automation.Engine 21.0.13 - Planned release end December 2024
Will be fixed in Automation.Engine 24.4.0 - Planned release March 2025
Defect ID: DE126819
Public Description: A problem has been solved where JCP REST forces trace when the longest path for given graph could not be found.