How to configure Virtual Service Catalog for SSL?
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: \\D\CA\Certs\mykeystore.jks is not a valid keystore
at ~[jetty-all-9.4.53.v20231009-uber-patched.jar!/:na]
at org.eclipse.jetty.util.ssl.SslContextFactory.loadKeyStore( ~[jetty-all-9.4.53.v20231009-uber-patched.jar!/:na]
DevTest 10.8 and up
key-store: file path not configured properly
Steps to follow
1. Copy mykeystore.jks to DevTest10.8.0\vscatalog\certs folder
2. In the application yml file, under server ,
key-alias: myalias
key-store: certs/mykeystore.jks
key-store-password: plain password
key-store-provider: SUN
key-store-type: JKS
key-password: plain password
Note** for key-store: if using your own path, use the below format.
#For Mac OS,follow the below syntax for the absolute path: file:/Applications/CA/DevTest/vsc_keystore/webreckeys.ks
#For Windows, follow the below syntax for the absolute path: file:\\\C:/Users/Administrator/Documents/webreckeys.ks
key-store: file:\\\D:/CA/Certs/mykeystore.jks