LCM task for VMware Aria Automation fails with LCMVRAVACONFIG90045
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LCM task for VMware Aria Automation fails with LCMVRAVACONFIG90045


Article ID: 376429


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite VMware vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager 8.x


LCM requests to start VRA node fails with 
Unable to SSH to the VMware Aria Automation VA. Please ensure the VA is up end running end we are to SSH to it.
Unable to SSH to the VMware Aria Automaton VA node FQDN-of-VRA-node. Please ensure the VA is up and running and we are to SSH to it.


VMware Aria Automation

VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle


Issue is due to old password binding in LCM for root password.


Fix the root password binding in LCM.

You can do that in various ways 

1. Update the password binding in LCM

  • Login to LCM as admin@local
  • The condition for this is that the LCM locker needs to have entries for new and old password that you want to use for vRA nodes
  • Expand the Environments and find the vRA Environment that you have trouble to SSH into 
  • Review VMware Aria Automation Nodes
  • Run the "Change node password" request for affected Node 
  • Follow the steps for  "Change node password" request., be sure that for "Current Password" you select the password that is currently used by vRA node


2. Update the vRA node password using the entries that LCM locker is using

  • Login to LCM as admin@local
  • Expand the Environments and find the vRA Environment that having trouble
  • Review VMware Aria Automation Nodes
  • Check the value for the "Root Password"
  • Now go to LCM Locker > Passwords and find the value that was used for "Root Password"
  • Expand context menu by mouse click three dots on the right and select "View Password" 
  • Follow the instruction provided to view the password
  • Now you can ssh to the VRA appliance and set the root password using: passwd command