Usage is not getting calculated with sizing policy in Aria Operations.
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Usage is not getting calculated with sizing policy in Aria Operations.


Article ID: 376423


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VMware Aria Suite


  • You are using VMware Aria Operations to generate bills with a policy.
  • The policy has vCD pricing. At OVDC > Compute Rate, you are using the sizing policy, with the price defined by each sizing policy name that exists in vCD.
  • When the bill is generated, the price is calculated based on the vCD price, but the field usage always has value 0.0. Screenshot:


  • The usage value is expected to remain zero as the usage metric is dedicated for the items that are being calculated based on decimal values, i.e. CPU usage and Memory usage. However, for Sizing policy the calculation is based on a text property value i.e. g1co.2cpu.2gb, in this case decimal usage should be 0.


  • Since this is by design, as a workaround you can generate reports with the usage view and share the reports with your clients whom you are charging based on usage.