Unable to create or edit license group on Aria Operations legacy licenses
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Unable to create or edit license group on Aria Operations legacy licenses


Article ID: 376420


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


The Finish button is greyed out when creating or editing license groups in Aria Operations 8.18


Aria Operations 8.18.x
VMware Cloud Foundation 5.2


This is a known behavior in Aria Operations 8.18.x

When the administrator creates or edits a License group the Finish bottom is grayed out.


In VCF 9 licensing mechanism will change, and this article will not be valid for VCF 9.


The below steps are for Aria Operations 8.18.x

  • Please follow below steps if you are creating a new license group:
    1. Subscription->Legacy Licenses->License Groups
    2. Click the add button
    3. Enter the name of the license group, then select licenses and objects, to change a license group, then click Next
    4. Define membership criteria, the  after on the section "Objects to always include" , open that section
      1. Expand one of the items in the left tree
      2. Or if you need to add objects to always include, select the desired objects
      3. After that click the button "Next".
    5. Click  the Finish button


  • Please follow below steps if you are editing an existing license group:
    1. Subscription->Legacy Licenses->License Groups
    2. Locate the License Group click on 3 dots and click Edit
    3. Add License key you want to use from the list 
    4. Under Add Members section make any change to the Objects to always Include or Objects to always Exclude criteria by adding or removing a member.  Immediately after you can then reset it back to the desired configuration .
    5. Click on Next 
    6. The finish button should no longer be greyed out


Additional Information

In case the workaround does not work as mentioned above, it may be necessary to delete the license group that you are unable to edit and recreate it based on the criteria needed.