ICE default content
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ICE default content


Article ID: 376391


Updated On: 09-04-2024


Clarity PPM SaaS


We enabled ICE in our environment and when we launch ICE console being on MUX > Administration > Feature Toggle section the below content is shown. Is it an error? Is there any other configuration to be done for enabling ICE.


Component: Clarity ICE

Release: 16.2.3


There is no issue with ICE rather it's by design i.e. which default content the end user will see on initial opening/landing of the ICE console. The ICE content loading is dynamic and relative to the user current location on Clarity MUX UI. In above example the user is on MUX at location Administration > Features Toggles, therefore when the user open a ICE console from here the navigation flow as below


The above is not an error message or misconfiguration of ICE, rather it's a default content designed by Tech Writer to show as default on click of Admin Card. The user can find all content of the document as below