Task list in Grid view with checkbox missing/un selectable
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Task list in Grid view with checkbox missing/un selectable


Article ID: 376368


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


When viewing  Task list under Grid view, it seems that some lines overlap others and distort the UI resulting in missing check boxes, resulting in inability to select the task for bulk operations like delete etc.

Steps to Reproduce: Detailed steps to reproduce using numerical list formatting

Recreation Steps

1: Login to Clarity 16.2.3

2: Navigate to MUX > Project List

3: Open Any Project with available Task Module

4: Configure Task Detail pane to have multiline(big layout) Name input

5: Create a new Task or update an existing task with below value

This is the task name which will result in distortion of CSS press shitf+enter(to enter new line character)

This is another line after shift+enter

6: Save the Task and the Checkbox CSS for the task will be distorted

Expected Results: The UI layout should not be distorted as the Name field is of type String and all the string in the same should be encoded/casted to str

Actual Results: The Task grid layout distorts as below

    • Checkbox moves out of selection due to presence of one new line character i.e. shift+enter between text

    • Checkbox moves out completely of the screen with two new line characters between text


Component: Clarity MUX UI Usability

Release: 16.2.2, 16.2.3


Workaround:  Edit the Task for which UI layout is distorted and remove the new line character.

The issue mentioned on this KB is tracked under DE153466 and is fixed in Release 16.3.1