TX ABORT | Snapshot Time = Token(epoch=0, sequence=<SEQUENCE_NUMBER>) | Failed Transaction ID = <TRANSACTION_ID> | Offending Address = -1 | Conflict Key = 00 | Conflict Stream = <STREAM_UUID> | Cause = UNDEFINED | Time = <MILLISECOND> ms | Message = null
NSX 4.1
If there is no entry that matches Distinguished Names (DN) specified in a group, group fails to realize.
Scheduled synchronization is "Sync Delta" and uses Update Sequence Number (USN) to fetch updated LDAP objects from Active Directory Domain Controllers.
There are some scenarios such as rollback on Domain Controllers so that some LDAP objects may not be synchronized by "Sync Delta".
To find DN specified in Group, check GET response and find distinguished_name.
GET /api/v1/infra/domains/default/groups/<GROUP_ID>
Response Example:
"expression" : [ ],
"extended_expression" : [ {
"identity_groups" : [ {
"distinguished_name" : "CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com",
"domain_base_distinguished_name" : "DC=example,DC=com"
} ],
"resource_type" : "IdentityGroupExpression",
"id" : "<GROUP_ID>",
"path" : "/infra/domains/default/groups/<GROUP_ID>/identity-group-expressions/<EXPRESSION_ID>",
"relative_path" : "<RELATIVE_PATH>",
"parent_path" : "/infra/domains/default/groups/<GROUP_ID>",
"remote_path" : "",
"marked_for_delete" : false,
"overridden" : false,
"_protection" : "NOT_PROTECTED"
} ],
"reference" : false,
"resource_type" : "Group",
"id" : "<GROUP_ID>",
"display_name" : "<GROUP_DISPLAY_NAME>",
"path" : "/infra/domains/default/groups/<GROUP_ID>",
"relative_path" : "<GROUP_ID>",
"parent_path" : "/infra/domains/default",
"remote_path" : "",
"unique_id" : "<GROUP_UUID>",
"realization_id" : "<GROUP_UUID>",
"owner_id" : "<GROUP_OWNER_UUID>",
"marked_for_delete" : false,
"overridden" : false,
"_create_time" : <CREATE_TIME>,
"_create_user" : "admin",
"_last_modified_time" : <LAST_MODIFIED_TIME>,
"_last_modified_user" : "admin",
"_system_owned" : false,
"_protection" : "NOT_PROTECTED",
"_revision" : 0