When attempting to log into the Symantec Protection Engine Console for Windows (SPE Console), which is configured for Active Directory authentication-- the attempt results in error: Invalid login credentials
An examination of "C:\Program Files\Symantec\Scan Engine Console\CMaF\logs\CmafUI.log" shows an entry similar to the following error:
ERROR Symantec.Cmaf.Security.LdapAuthManager - The credentials of the example.com\UserName is invalid. Reason: GroupName is either null or empty
Symantec Protection Engine 9.x
A necessary registry string is missing
During the installation of the console configured for Active Directory authentication the following string must exist in "HKLM\Software\Symantec\Cmaf\SPE\9.x\Config\ " and have have a value that is not NULL (empty).
Create the string LdapGroupName in "HKLM\Software\Symantec\Cmaf\SPE\9.x\Config\" and set the value to a valid AD Group resolved the issue.